Group membership T&Cs
Terms and Conditions
By signing up for membership to Leith Community Croft, you agree to all the terms and conditions below, and also agree that all attendees/participants in our events will abide by Earth in Common’s health and safety policies and procedures which will be communicated to them as relevant.
Definition of membership
Your fee entitles you to membership of Leith Community Croft, with the benefits as stated below. It is not membership of Earth in Common, the charity, which is another thing altogether. You can view it as friendship or ‘supportership’ of Earth in Common!
Contacting us about your membership
All membership-related enquiries should be made ONLY via membership@earth-in-common.org. This will enable us to keep track of all relevant correspondence with you.
Fees, tiers and renewal
We trust you to select the appropriate tier for your organisation. For very small organisations, we are open to negotiating reduced fees (though this may affect your benefits). Email us to discuss this: membership@earth-in-common.org.
Membership will normally be valid for a year from the time your payment is accepted. Unless you contact us to cancel your membership, the fee will then be automatically deducted every subsequent year.
We shall review fees and the tier structure from time to time, and if these change, affecting your fee/tier, we shall let you know before your next annual fee is charged.
Acknowledgement on our website
There’s a page on our website dedicated to showcasing the organisations that support our work through funding and Leith Community Croft membership. We’d love to put you on it!
We invite you to submit your logo and a short (50-100 words) blurb about why your organisation supports our work. Email: hello@earth-in-common.org
Newsletter and communications from Earth in Common
We hope to email you a newsletter once a month, though the frequency may change depending on how much we have to tell you. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
You will receive emails in addition to this, in relation to your membership status/membership payments.
The newsletter will be emailed from Earth in Common’s Mailchimp account, and membership status and reminder emails are sent via our Earth in Common website with ‘Earth in Common’ or ‘Evie Murray’ and membership@earth-in-common.org as sender.
Please add Earth in Common (membership@earth-in-common.org) to your approved contacts list.
Please check your spam/junk folder for all emails from Earth in Common (earth-in-common.org), and mark them as ‘not spam’ or ‘not junk’.
If you change your name/address/email address during the period of your membership, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can update our records.
Cancellation of booked events, facilities and venue hire, etc.
Things happen, including bad weather! We understand if you need to cancel something you have booked, and we hope you will understand if we have to cancel things from our end too. In the event of cancellation, we trust that both sides will endeavour to give us much notice as possible.
If we have had to cancel your booking, then we shall do our utmost to give you another date as soon as we can, and shall refund any money you have paid for hiring anything if another date won’t suit.
Please understand, however, that if you cancel at short notice we may have committed our resources for the day you booked (and have put off other options), and may not have other slots available, so we may not be able to offer you an alternative, or refund you.
Tour and talk package
Once a year, Earth in Common will offer a group of your employees/associates a tour of the Croft, provided a suitable date can be agreed.
Our CEO or a senior employee will also be able to offer your organisation one talk per year. The location is negotiable (in-person or online) and, if on Leith Community Croft, this talk could, by arrangement, be combined with the tour. Travel costs will be chargeable outwith Edinburgh. Unless otherwise requested, the talk will encompass a general overview of Earth in Common’s work, and there will, of course, be an opportunity to ask questions.
The tour will normally last about an hour, as will the talk-and-questions sessions. Note that unless you specifically request that the tour be restricted to your organisation, you may be sharing the event with others.
Please email us (membership@earth-in-common.org) to arrange the above, and we shall send you a list of possible dates, but please note that while we shall do our best to accommodate you, we cannot guarantee availability. Opportunities will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis, and may be limited if demand is overwhelming.
When booking, bear in mind our cancellation policy (see above).
Work-wellbeing days
At Earth in Common, we value the power of feeling a sense of belonging to the biosphere. Such connection with nature can boost our wellbeing and calm our minds. We are therefore offering work days for your team to experience this with their heads, hearts and hands, joining us in practical tasks within our Market Garden and Forest Garden. [LINK here to examples of both our work, and broader info on Biophilia/Nature prescribing benefits- maybe a blog post?]
This benefit will be available from spring 2023, and we shall will host up to ten of your employees up to four times/year.
Please email us (membership@earth-in-common.org) to arrange your work-wellbeing days, and we shall send you a list of possible dates, but please note that while we shall do our best to accommodate you, we cannot guarantee availability. Opportunities will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis, and may be limited if demand is overwhelming. Also note that, unless you specifically request that the days be restricted to your organisation, you may share them with others.
When booking, bear in mind our cancellation policy (see above).
Discounts for workshops and events
Workshops and events will be announced in spring and summer 2023.
Discounts for these will vary[, but will generally be in the range of 10-25%]. Earth in Common will issue discount coupons to allow you to apply the appropriate discount on booking.
When booking, bear in mind our cancellation policy (see above).
Discounts for venue and equipment hire
Venue and equipment hire opportunities will be announced and displayed on our website in the course of 2023, but we welcome queries regarding what we can offer at any time.
Discounts for these will vary[, but will generally be in the range of 10-25%]. Earth in Common will issue discount coupons to allow you to apply the appropriate discount on booking.
When booking, bear in mind our cancellation policy (see above).
Invitation to our [annual member day/business network day]
Earth in Common will host an annual [organisation membership day for all member organisations to meet each other and celebrate how they have contributed to Earth in Common’s work/business networking day, for businesses and social enterprises to discuss how they could better work with each other and with Earth in Common].
We hope to announce the date and provide further details in spring 2023. Places may be limited and made available on a first-come, first-served basis.
When booking, bear in mind our cancellation policy (see above).
Use of our communal raised beds (from spring 2023)
In spring 2023, we shall trial the use of some of our raised beds for school groups (nursery to secondary) to use for education purposes.
Depending on size, raised beds might be shared by two or more groups.
If you have indicated that you would be keen to try such a (potentially communal) raised bed, we shall be in touch to discuss your expectations and requirements. Places will be limited and made available on a first-come, first-served basis. (However, we might be able to make more beds available if we can raise the funds, and you could, of course, donate towards this.)
By arrangement, our café can provide refreshments for your group, though we shall charge for this, applying the relevant membership discount.
Link to grower agreement document for general terms for use for raised beds/growing on the Croft.
Bear in mind our cancellation policy (see above).
Services and Privacy Policies
Earth in Common Services Policy.pdf
Earth in Common Privacy Policy.pdf
Other ways of supporting our work!
If you wish to contribute in other ways to our work, such as by sponsoring specific projects or infrastructure, we invite you to get in touch with us to discuss this. The more resources we have, the more we can do for people and nature! Please email accounts@earth-in-common.org
Leith Community Croft
Organisation Membership Categories